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Showing results 1 to 20 of 323  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Action plan for the conservation of habitats and species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic hard beds and chemo-synthetic phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea (Dark Habitats action plan)Aguilar, Ricardo; Ballesteros, Enric; Bazairi, Hocein; Bianchi, Carlo Nike; Bitar, Ghazi; Borg, Joseph A.; Chevaldonne, Pierre; Daniel, Boris; Gerovasileiou, Vasilis; Harmelin, Jean-Georges; Mastrototaro, Francesco; Ouerghi, Atef; Perez, Thierry; Pergent-Martini, Christine; Sartoretto, Stephane; Schembri, Patrick J.; Tilot, Virginie; Tunesi, Leonardo; Vacelet, Jean
2015Age, growth and reproduction of Coryphaena hippurus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Maltese waters, Central MediterraneanGatt, Mark; Dimech, Mark; Schembri, Patrick J.
2019Algal substratum preferences of the alien foraminiferan Amphistegina lobifera in shallow waterAgius, Daryl; Evans, Julian; Schembri, Patrick J.
1984The Algerian hedgehog 'il-qanfud'Schembri, Patrick J.
2002-08Alignment of marine habitat data of the Maltese Islands to conform to the requirements of the EU habitats directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC)Borg, Joseph A.; Schembri, Patrick J.
1988Ambjent u hlejjaq fl-GhadiraSchembri, Patrick J.
1985Ambjenti naturali MaltinSchembri, Patrick J.
1983An annotated key to the hermit crabs (Crustacea : Decapoda : Anomura) of the Otago region (southeastern New Zealand)Schembri, Patrick J.; McLay, Colin L.
1998The application of multivariate analytical techniques to the study of marine benthic assemblages : a review with special reference to the Maltese IslandsMicallef, Rene M.; Schembri, Patrick J.
2005Architectural characteristics of two bed types of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica over different spatial scalesBorg, Joseph A.; Attrill, Martin James; Rowden, Ashley A.; Schembri, Patrick J.; Jones, Malcolm Brandon
2008Artificial Reefs Project : final report of scientific studies (2004–2006)Borg, Joseph A.; Magro, Mildred; Schembri, Patrick J.; Vella, Patrick J.
1977Aspects of the biology of the echiuran worm Bonellia viridisSchembri, Patrick J.
2008Assessing inter-beach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod assemblages on Maltese pocket sandy beaches (Central Mediterranean)Deidun, Alan; Schembri, Patrick J.
2017Assessment of benthic biological indicators for evaluating the environmental impact of tuna farmingMangion, Marija; Borg, Joseph A.; Schembri, Patrick J.; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo
2009Assessment of the ecological status of Maltese coastal waters using the Ecological Evaluation Index (EEI)Azzopardi, Marthese; Schembri, Patrick J.
2010Assessment of the ecological status of Maltese coastal waters using the Rhodophyta/Phaeophyta Mean Ratio Index (R/P Rt. I.)Azzopardi, Marthese; Schembri, Patrick J.
2020Atlantic fishes in the Mediterranean: using biological traits to assess the origin of newcomer fishesEvans, Julian; Arndt, Erik; Schembri, Patrick J.
2007Banquette faunal assemblages from groomed and ungroomed beaches in the Maltese IslandsDeidun, Alan; Saliba, Stephen; Schembri, Patrick J.
1997Baseline marine benthic surveys in the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean)Borg, Joseph A.; Micallef, Shirley A.; Pirotta, Konrad; Schembri, Patrick J.
1998Bathymetric distribution of decapods associated with a Posidonia oceanica meadow in Malta (Central Mediterranean)Borg, Joseph A.; Schembri, Patrick J.