Browsing by Author Seychell, Dylan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019An adaptive transport management approach using imitation learningBugeja, Mark; Dingli, Alexiei; Attard, Maria; Seychell, Dylan
2020An approach for objective quality assessment of image inpainting resultsSeychell, Dylan; Debono, Carl James
2022Automatic detection of covid-19 pneumonia in chest computed tomography scans using convolutional neural networksMicallef, Neil; Debono, Carl James; Seychell, Dylan; Attard, Conrad
2021Blending output from generative adversarial networks to texture high-resolution 2D town maps for roleplaying gamesSiracusa, Gianfranco; Seychell, Dylan; Bugeja, Mark
2022A citizen science approach for the collection of data to train deep learning modelsSaliba, Chantelle; Seychell, Dylan; Buhagiar, Joseph A.
2018Classification of driving traits using fuzzy-logic controlSeychell, Dylan; Farrugia, Steven
2020Comparison of vehicle detection techniques applied to IP camera video feeds for use in intelligent transport systemsBugeja, Mark; Dingli, Alexiei; Attard, Maria; Seychell, Dylan
2019Detecting human abnormal behaviour through a video generated modelGatt, Thomas; Seychell, Dylan; Dingli, Alexiei
2016Discovering art using technologyDingli, Alexiei; Seychell, Dylan; Briffa, Vince; Connor, Andy M.; Marks, Stefan
2016Discovering art using technology : the selfie projectDingli, Alexiei; Seychell, Dylan; Briffa, Vince
2016Efficient object selection using depth and texture informationSeychell, Dylan; Debono, Carl James
2015Evaluating the use of mobile sensors in improving the user model in mobile recommender systemsMagrin, Edward Luke; Seychell, Dylan; Briffa, Dunstan
2022Exploring how weak supervision can assist the annotation of computer vision datasetsAbela, Andrea; Seychell, Dylan; Bugeja, Mark
2021Exploring the U-Net++ model for automatic brain tumor segmentationMicallef, Neil; Seychell, Dylan; Bajada, Claude J.
2022Facial expression recognition in the wild : dataset configurationsGalea, Nathan; Seychell, Dylan
2019A framework for queryable video analysis : a case-study on transport modellingBugeja, Mark; Dingli, Alexiei; Attard, Maria; Seychell, Dylan
2014Gamification of project management within a corporate environment : an exploratory studySammut, Ryan; Seychell, Dylan; Attard, Neville
2023Graph-based semi-supervised learning with tensor embeddings for hyperspectral data classificationGeorgoulas, Ioannis; Protopapadakis, Eftychios; Makantasis, Konstantinos; Seychell, Dylan; Doulamis, Anastasios; Doulamis, Nikolaos
2024Integrating saliency ranking and reinforcement learning for enhanced object detectionBartolo, Matthias; Seychell, Dylan; Bajada, Josef
2018Intra-object segmentation using depth informationSeychell, Dylan; Debono, Carl James