Browsing by Author UNESCO
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1981-02-03 | Convention concernent la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel : Hypogée de Hal Saflieni, Paola (Malte) | UNESCO |
1980 | Final report of the intergovernmental meeting for the establishment of an international Mediterranean intercultural centre in the Republic of Malta | UNESCO |
1979-08-17 | First report of the Director-General on the preparation of new projects for the protection, preservation, restoration and presentation of the cultural heritage with a view to their promotion as international campaigns | UNESCO |
2016-02-08 | Hamlet globe to globe (Theater program) | Barclay, Bill; UNESCO; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; Shakespeare, William; Dromgoole, Dominic; Buckhurst, Bill |
2006 | Les ports de Carthage | UNESCO |
1949 | Malta | UNESCO |
1980 | Malta : Mediterranean meeting place of cultures | UNESCO; Kinnane, Derk |
1969 | Malta Polytechnic Institute (now the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology) : report on project results | UNESCO |
1969 | The palace armoury of Valletta | UNESCO; Czerwinski, A.; Zygulski, Z. |
1992 | Scientific and technical information network (internet) : project findings and recommendations | UNESCO |