Browsing by Author Vella, Cecil

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Acyclovir induced nephropathy : a case reportVella, Cecil
2022The aetiology of acute gastroenteritis in children in Malta and the role of empirical antibiotics in this conditionCaruana Galizia, Sarah Anne; Vella, Cecil
2017An assessment on the use of chest imaging in children admitted with viral induced wheezeVella, Cecil; Muscat, Elizabeth
2014An audit of compliance of inhaled steroid medication in Maltese asthmatic children : a comparison between 2008 and 2014Vella, Cecil; Bezzina, Gianluca; Urpani, Matthew
2018An audit on the practice of performing a chest X–Ray in infants with bronchiolitisCaruana Galizia, Sarah Anne; Said Pullicino, Veronica; Vella, Cecil
2008Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis : report of two local casesVella, Cecil; Ellul, Marthese; Andrejevic, Hermoine
2010Collagenous gastritis : a rare cause of anaemia in childhoodVella, Cecil; Pullicino, Edgar; Fearne, Christopher
1989Current trends in the management of childhood gastroenteritis in the communityVella, Cecil
2008Declining Visceral Leishmaniasis in MaltaVella, Cecil; Grech, Victor E.
1986-09Diaphragmatic hernia : a five year period presentation of cases at St. Luke's HospitalFelice, Arthur; Vella, Cecil
2011Manifestations of paediatric Leishmania infantum infections in MaltaPace, David; Williams, Thomas N.; Grochowska, Alicja; Betts, Alexandra; Attard Montalto, Simon; Boffa, Michael J.; Vella, Cecil
2020Necrotising pneumoniaVella, Stephanie; Mizzi, Adrian; Vella, Cecil; Zarb, Francis
1983OsteoarthrosisVella, Cecil
2013Panhypopituitarism : a rare cause of neonatal cholestatic jaundiceVella, Cecil; Gauci, Bettina; Torpiano, John G.
2011Prevalence of Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis and relation to breast feeding trends in the Maltese Islands between 1995 and 2007Vella, Cecil; Fearne, Chris; Grech, Victor E.
2012Prevalence of obesity in a paediatric outpatient clinicMizzi, Joseph; Aquilina, Samuel; Vella, Cecil
2024A rare cause of failure to thrive in infancyVella, Cecil; Grima, Anne-Marie; Shoukry, Mohamed; DeGaetano, James
2008The relationship between infecting organisms and underlying structural anomalies in children with urinary tract infectionsVella, Cecil; Torpiano, John G.; Grech, Victor E.; Said Conti, Valerie
2007A resistant case of Kawasaki DiseaseMulvaney, Shirley; Vella, Cecil; Grech, Victor E.
2019-02Scurvy in children with autistic spectrum disorder : not such a rarityCoppini, Jessica; Borg, Charles; Vella, Cecil