Browsing by Author Vella, Claire
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Association between obstructive sleep apnea and atopy in adult Maltese patients | Gouder, Caroline; Fsadni, Peter; Vella, Claire; Gauci, Jonathan; Fsadni, Claudia; Gouder, Simon; Deguara, Christopher; Montefort, Stephen |
2015 | Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds : the way forward? | Vella, Claire |
2019 | The corporate governance code and compliance by Maltese listed companies | Baldacchino, Peter J.; Vella, Claire; Grima, Simon |
2015 | Depression and anxiety in pulmonary fibrosis : a pilot study | Vella, Claire; Soler, Jeremy Fleri; Wongso, Edvyn Andy; Fsadni, Peter; Montefort, Stephen |
2016 | Endoscopic bronchial ultrasound in mediastinal staging of lung cancer | Bilocca, David; Vella, Claire; Montefort, Stephen |
2017 | An evaluation of community services being offered to persons with disability in Malta | Vella, Claire |
2024 | Knowledge of inhaler technique and performing peak expiratory flow rate among healthcare professionals | Borg Azzopardi, Darren; Farrugia, Michaela; Vella, Claire; Gouder, Caroline; Montefort, Stephen |
2016 | The Maltese agricultural produce industry : internal and external accounting perspective | Vella, Claire |
2008 | Murmur 2008 | Vella, Claire |
2009 | Murmur 2009 | Vella, Claire |
2018 | Non-compliance to the corporate governance code provisions by Maltese listed companies | Vella, Claire |
2009 | The review and compilation alternatives to the small company audit : user perspectives | Vella, Claire |