Browsing by Subject Art, Baroque -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 42 of 42
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Aspects of Hospitaller baroque culture in seventeenth century MaltaCaruana Galizia, Anton (2002)
2019-08-27Baroque : a component of Maltese identityXuereb, Charles
2010Baroque painting in Malta [Book Review]Mayo, Peter
2013The beginnings of the Manoel Baroque festivalCaruana Dingli, Petra
2013Brushwork of identity : the politico-religious in Mattia PretiDebono, Sandro
2006Cafa’s conclusionRice, Louise
2021Cosmana Navarra (1600-1687) : the role of a female patron of the arts in baroque MaltaXuereb, Nadette (2021)
2006Emanuele Buhagiar (1876-1962) : a designer and sculptor in early twentieth century MaltaSagona, Mark
2006Emanuele Buhagiar (1876-1962) disinjatur u skultur : il-kuntest ta’ l-arti tiegħu u x-xogħolijiet fil-knisja parrokkjali tal-QrendiSagona, Mark
2008Francesco Zahra 1710-1773Cassar, Silvio
2010Il-knisja parrokkjali l-qadima tal-parroċċa tagħnaScerri, Charles
2002-11-24Il-Mużew Wignacourt : teżor moħbiTabone-Vassallo, Mario
2019Il-vara titulari tal-Assunta : analiżi artistika, żviluppi u kambjamentiEbejer, Chris
2011The influence of Melchiorre Cafa's St. Paul and the Virgin of the Rosary on maltese baroque sculptureCalleja, Clint (2011)
2005Introduction [Memento Mori : a companion to the most beautiful floor in the world]Munro, Dane
2016Journal of Baroque Studies - Vol.1, No.3, 2015 [Journal Review]Scerri, Louis J.
2004Launch of the first volume of the Journal of Baroque StudiesUniversity of Malta. International Institute for Baroque Studies
2017L’Eloquenza sacra a Malta tra il secondo seicento e il primo ottocentoZammit, Stefano
2006The Manoel Theatre Festa Barokka 2005 : 3rd edition (9-14 May)University of Malta. International Institute for Baroque Studies
2013Mattia Preti : beyond the self-portraitDebono, Sandro; Valentino, Giuseppe; Leone, Giorgio; Ciccone, Virginia; Gerada, Anton
2013Mattia Preti : oltre l'autoritrattoDebono, Sandro; Velentino, Giuseppe; Leone, Giorgio; Ciccone, Virginia; Gerada, Anton
2021Mattia Preti and the spread of Baroque art in rural Malta between 1661 and the 1680sPellicano, Dorianne (2021)
2007Melchiorre Cafa : Maltese genius of the Roman baroque [Book Review]University of Malta. International Institute for Baroque Studies
2015Melchiorre Cafà and Camillo Pamphilj : the art of patronage in seventeenth-century RomeMedina, Ashley Marie
2004Melchiorre Gafa’s discorso about the designs and models for the main altar of St John's Co-Cathedral, VallettaPisani, Moira
2005-05Memento Mori, a companion to the most beautiful floor in the worldMunro, Dane
2004Musical instruments in baroque art in MaltaGalea, Davinia (2004)
1993-11-21A new attribution of a painting at Rabat's Wignacourt College MuseumBugeja, Gerard
2019Paintings in the Sanctuary of the Virgin, Mellieħa : a selectionVella, Charlene
2006Pietro Paolo Troisi (1686-1750) : a Maltese Baroque artistBriffa, Joseph A.
2009Pittur ċelebri tas-seklu 18... Francesco Zahra 1710-1773Cassar, Silvio
2019Pitturi fis-Santwarju ddedikat lill-Verġni Marija, il-Mellieħa : selezzjoni ta’ pitturiVella, Charlene
2010Rapport tar-restawr tal-kwadru titulari tal-knisja l-antika ta' Santa VeneraAbela, Roderick
2004Rokku Buhagiar (ċ1725-1805) : il- pittur li jinsab midfun fil-Kunvent ta' Santa Tereża, BormlaAttard, Mario
2007The Sanctuary of the Virgin of Mellieħa and the Knights of St JohnVella, Charlene
2012The sensuous and sensual : painting in Baroque MaltaFormosa, Rachel
2016Stefano Erardi (1630-1716) : 300 sena wara mewtuBaldacchino, Dorian
2017-03That amazing Baroque worldDe Lucca, Denis
2023-04-09Tosca returns to Malta and 'in' MaltaAltimari, Umberto Nicoletti
2022Translating the baroque into contemporary digital artCutajar, Carlos (2022)
2006Two case studies of the manufacturing techniques & conservation of Baroque wall painting in Malta : Leonello Spada & Mattia PretiFalzon, Erika (2006)
2012Vincenzo Maria Cremona (1851-1912) : konnessjonijet mal-festa Qormija ta’ San ĠorġGrima, Joseph F.