Browsing by Subject Labor unions -- Malta

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Showing results 103 to 122 of 165 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015National survey on trade unions in MaltaDebono, Manwel
2015A national trade union forumBaldacchino, Godfrey
2008Nursing aides dispute reveals inter-union rivalryFarrugia, Christine; Debono, Manwel
2006Open-air market vendors join trade unionDebono, Manwel; Scott, Sue-Ann
2023Perceived reasons that influence trade union membership : the Maltese contextDeguara, Michela (2023)
2003The perceptions of Trade Unions by their members : a survey report on Trade Unions in MaltaZammit, Edward L.; Rizzo, Saviour
2013Perceptions of trade unions held by workers in Malta : a case studyCutajar, Christopher (2013)
2015-01Perceptions of workers of the role of Maltese tradeunions in health and safety issuesRizzo, Saviour; Micallef, Mario
1989Perpettivi no. 4Workers' Participation Development Centre Association
1987PerspettiviWorkers' Participation Development Centre Association
1988PerspettiviWorkers' Participation Development Centre Association
1986PerspettiviWorkers' Participation Development Centre Association
1989Perspettivi no. 5Workers' Participation Development Centre Association
2008Pilots association and Air Malta sign collective agreementFarrugia, Christine; Debono, Manwel
2014The potential of an autonomous trade union for employees within the hotels and restaurants sector on the Maltese islandsSpiteri, Clint (2014)
2004Privatisation : an economic necessity with a social impactSalib, Amanda (2004)
2004Public Transport Association demands higher incomesDebono, Manwel
2006Public transport strike over subsidies and bus routesDebono, Manwel; Farrugia, Christine
1977Recent trends in industrial law.Barbara, Anthony
1979Reggie Miller and his General Workers' Union : 1943-55Borg, Joseph R. (1979)