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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Accuracy comparison among 3D-printing technologies to produce dental modelsKim, Jun Ho; Pinhata-Baptista, Otavio Henrique; Ayres, Ana Paula; Berbel da Silva, Renan Lúcio; Ferreira Lima, Jacqueline; Sardinha Urbano, Gabriel; No-Cortes, Juliana; Torres Vasques, Mayra; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2015Advanced aspects of imaging in oral implantologyCortes, Arthur R. G.
2024Advantages and drawbacks of different methods to measure marginal gaps in fixed dental prostheses : a scoping reviewAyres, Ana Paula; Cuschieri, Laura Althea; Bianchi, D.M.; Pradíes, Guillermo; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2020Clinical relevance of digital dentistry during COVID-19 outbreak : a scoped reviewMarkarian, Roberto Adrian; Berbel da Silva, Renan Lúcio; Burgoa, Shaban; Pinhata-Baptista, Otavio Henrique; No-Cortes, Juliana; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2004Clinical update : dentistryCamilleri, Simon; Camilleri, Audrey; Camilleri, George E.; Camilleri, Joseph; Camilleri, Josette; Cassar, Alex; Mulligan, Kevin M.
2016Comparison of the dental anomalies found in maxillary canine-first premolar transposition cases with those in palatally displaced canine casesSultana Scerri, Erica; McDonald, Fraser; Camilleri, Simon
2008The connected campus : a blue sky approach to developing the virtual learning environment 2.0 (VLE 2.0) of IVIDET (International Virtual Dental School)Cox, M.J.; Dunne, S.; Hensten, Arne; Manzanares, M. Cristina; Onisei, D.; Paganelli, C.; Reynolds, Patricia A.; Rotgans, J.; Stagnell, Sami; Wilson, N.H.F.; Camilleri, Simon
2016Cost analysis of patients treated with fixed and twin block appliances : part 2Alzoubi, Emad EM; Mulligan, Kevin; Attard, Nikolai J.
2021COVID-19 pandemic : effects on the dental team and implications on dental public healthAgius, Anne-Marie; Gatt, Gabriella; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Attard, Nikolai J.
1994Dental Association of Malta international conference, Malta '94 : 50th anniversary celebrations, 10-12th February 1994 : souvenir programmeDental Association of Malta
2015-03The dental probe : issue 53 : March 15Muscat, David; Dental Association of Malta
2015-06The dental probe : issue 54 : June 15Muscat, David; Dental Association of Malta
2015-09The dental probe : issue 55 : September 15Muscat, David; Dental Association of Malta
2015-12The dental probe : issue 56 : December 15Muscat, David; Dental Association of Malta
2016-03The dental probe : issue 57 : March 16Muscat, David; Dental Association of Malta
2016-06The dental probe : issue 58 : June 16Muscat, David; Dental Association of Malta
2022Digital versus conventional workflow in oral rehabilitations : current statusCortes, Arthur R. G.
2022Digital workflow for definitive immediately loaded complete-arch CAD-CAM implant-supported prosthesis in 3 appointments without using intraoral scanningBurgoa, Shaban; Moura Costa, Alan Jony de; Ventura, Dionir; Pinhata-Baptista, Otavio Henrique; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2019Digitalization in restorative dentistryRamiro, Guillermo Pradíes; Hassan, Bassam; Navarro, Alberto Ferreiroa; Coronel, Cristian Abad; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Pinhata Baptista, Otavio Henrique; Mina Zambrana, Nataly Rabelo
2008Ectopic Maxillary Canines : segregation analysis and a twin studyCamilleri, Simon; Lewis, Catherine M.; McDonald, Fraser