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Showing results 1 to 20 of 89  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The acupuncture role in treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathyAbouHussein, Samir
1994Acute myocardial infarction in diabeticsFava, Stephen
2020Adherence to therapeutic footwear in type 2 diabetes in MaltaFormosa, Cynthia; Borg, Anthea; Papanas, Nikolaos; Mizzi, Stephen
2011Albuminuria and glomerular filtration rate in type 2 diabetes mellitusMagri, Caroline Jane; Fava, Stephen
2012Ankle-brachial index in a type 2 diabetic population with proliferative retinopathy : associated risk factors and complicationsMagri, Caroline Jane; Calleja, Neville; Buhagiar, Gerald; Fava, Stephen; Vassallo, Josanne
2018The application of medical thermography to discriminate neuroischemic toe ulceration in the diabetic footGatt, Alfred; Falzon, Owen; Cassar, Kevin; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Gauci, Jean; Ellul, Christian; Mizzi, Stephen; Mizzi, Anabelle; Papanas, Nikolaos; Sturgeon, Cassandra; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Formosa, Cynthia
2018-01Bariatric surgery versus lifestyle modification for decreasing glycated haemoglobin in obese persons living with type 2 diabetes : a reviewSammut, Roberta; Zammit, Roderick; Grech, Joseph
2018Bariatric surgery versus lifestyle modifications for decreasing glycated haemoglobin in obese persons living with type 2 diabetesZammit, Roderick
1971Blood sugar in executivesPsaila Savona, P.
2009Bridging the gap between health education and lifestyle practices in Maltese diabetic adults : identifying target groups and areasGrima, Antonella
2021The broader biopsychosocial implications of diabetes mellitusPortelli, Pamela
2002Capnocytophaga SPP. and Diabetes Mellitus-PeriodontitisCiantar, Marilou
2008Challenges in healthcare provisionVassallo, Josanne
2016Characteristics predicting the outcome in individuals with diabetic foot ulcerationsFormosa, Cynthia; Vella, Lourdes
2021-12-09The Charcot foot : an emerging public health problem for African diabetes patientsAbbas, Zulfiqarali G.; Lutale, J. K.; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
1979Chest-piece : volume 5 : issue 1Savona-Ventura, Charles
2009A comparative pilot study of dressings in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in an outpatient wound clinic in Malta.Cremona, Marilyn
2016A comparison of health status in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcerations and minor foot amputationsFormosa, Cynthia; Simiana, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred
2017A comparison of standard wound care vs. standard wound care with adjunct hyperbaric oxygen therapy in diabetic arterial ulcerationPerren, Sarah
2015A comparison of the microbiological flora in the oral cavity of type II diabetes mellitus versus non-diabetic adult dental patientsGray, Gabrielle de