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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999-04Agħtina qalb ta' ragħajScerri, Hector
2014At the Fountain of Love : living Holiness through the LiturgyVella, Angèle
2018Catechesis and its six tasksSultana, Carl-Mario
2022Christ our perfectionBorg Ebejer, Warren James; Camilleri, Charló
2021Christ our perfection : the Christological spirituality of Fr. Avertan Fenech, CarmeliteBorg Ebejer, Warren James (2021)
2021The Christological ecology of Joseph RatzingerBaluci, Claudette; Berry, John Anthony
2021The first born of all creation (Col 1:12-20) source of redemption and communionMagrin, Ann Marie (2021)
1996-11Fuq l-Ghatba tal-1997. Hsibijiet fuq dak li qed jipproponi l-Papa fl-Ittra Appostolika "Tertio Millennio Adveniente"Scerri, Hector
1968Gesu' is-sura evangelikaMagro, Nikola
1879Gesù Cristo : se non è vero Dio, vero uomo diventa il pessimo fra gli empi : inevitabile l'ateismo, discioglimento della societàCerri, C. Domenico
2019The gift of God in the narrative form of the fourth GospelMicallef, Martin
1998Għad taraw ħwejjeġ akbar minn dawn! Riflessjonijiet fuq l-inkarnazzjoni fl-evanġelju ta’ San ĠwannMicallef, Martin
1990Hebrews 11 : an interpretationSwetnam, James
2019Humanité de Surcroît : Elizabeth of the Trinity’s Christocentric mysticismSpiteri, Kathleen
2001Il-Ġeneoloġija fl-Evanġelju ta' San MattewMicallef, Martin
2017Il-Kristologija tal-Evangelju skont San GwannMicallef, Martin
2022-12Il-Kristoloġija ta' Dietrich BonhoefferScerri, Hector
2018Introduzzjoni għall-Kristoloġija ta' missirijiet il-Knisja - il-Kristoloġija tal-ewwel żewg sekliScerri, Hector
1985It-tema tal-konverżjoni fil-kitbiet ta' San PawlCardona, Martin (1985)
2007It-Teoloġija Dommatika u t-taqsimiet differenti tagħhaScerri, Hector