Browsing by Subject Maritime law

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 82  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Addressing security threats on the high seas : what of flag state exclusivity?Vella De Fremeaux (Mallia), Patricia
1993Admiralty proceedings : a comparative studyScerri Diacono, Jotham
2023An analysis of the relationship between mass migration by sea and major branches of international lawCasha, Ariana (2023)
2013The applicability of the principle of the common heritage of mankind to the waters and airspace superjacent to the international seabed areaVella De Fremeaux (Mallia), Patricia
2016The application of the high seas regime in the exclusive economic zoneAttard Camilleri, Frank-Luke Matthew
2007The bill of lading as a receipt for goods shippedZammit, Allison
2024[Book Review] Sea level changes and maritime boundaries : shifting baselines and maritime spacesBaldacchino, Godfrey
2013Border disputes in offshore oil exploration and exploitation : potential solutionsZammit, AnnaMaria
2007Classification societiesSammut, Christopher
2022Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean–part 2 : applications in support of science priorities and societal needsReyes, Emma; Aguiar, Eva; Bendoni, Michele; Berta, Maristella; Brandini, Carlo; Cáceres-Euse, Alejandro; Capodici, Fulvio; Cardin, Vanessa; Cianelli, Daniela; Ciraolo, Giuseppe; Corgnati, Lorenzo; Dadić, Vlado; Doronzo, Bartolomeo; Drago, Aldo; Dumas, Dylan; Falco, Pierpaolo; Fattorini, Maria; Fernandes, Maria J.; Gauci, Adam; Gómez, Roberto; Griffa, Annalisa; Guérin, Charles-Antoine; Hernández-Carrasco, Ismael; Hernández-Lasheras, Jaime; Ličer, Matjaž; Lorente, Pablo; Magaldi, Marcello G.; Mantovani, Carlo; Mihanović, Hrvoje; Molcard, Anne; Mourre, Baptiste; Révelard, Adèle; Reyes-Suárez, Catalina; Saviano, Simona; Sciascia, Roberta; Taddei, Stefano; Tintoré, Joaquín; Toledo, Yaron; Uttieri, Marco; Vilibić, Ivica; Zambianchi, Enrico; Orfila, Alejandro
2016Combatting the smuggling of persons by sea under the UNCLOS high seas regimeAttard, Felicity
2017The concept of lease as an asset based security instrument in Aviation and Maritime LawXerri de Caro, Sean
1983The container bill of ladingMartinelli, Carmel
1979Containerized carriage by sea and the package or unit limitation questionMizzi, Alec A.
2017The contemporary significance of the early efforts to codify the duty to render assistance at seaAttard, Felicity
2002The contribution of certain international organizations to the development of maritime labour law and to the protection of the rights of seafarersZerafa, Lydia
2015The cooperative mechanism established by the Migrant Smuggling Protocol to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized CrimeVella De Fremeaux (Mallia), Patricia
2019Dehumanising the human element of maritime migrant smuggling : a discussion on the application of human rights in the maritime sphereVella De Fremeaux (Mallia), Patricia; Attard, Felicity
2020The duty of the shipmaster to render assistance at sea under international lawAttard, Felicity
2017Emerging threats and contemporary issues under maritime security lawAttard Riolo, Raisa