Browsing by Subject Open access publishing -- Malta

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 97  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Academic Perspective on Open AccessMayo, Peter
2018The academics' perceptions of open access : a case study at the University of MaltaBorg, Joseph John
2020Academics’ perspective of open access and institutional repositories, University of Malta : a case studySaliba, Kristine
2020Academics’ perspectives on open research data : a pre-implementation study for the University of MaltaGalea, Raelene (2020)
2016-10-25Benefits of publishing in open accessLochman, Martin; Dobreva, Milena
2022The challenges of open research data as an integral component of open scienceLochman, Martin
2018Conference banner-
2021Content for freeStivala, Veronica
2022The Data Management Plan for reSEArch-EU : the experience of UNIST and UCARamón Real, Juan; Vuckovic, Marko
2021Developing an open access policy for MaltaMontebello, Karl
2019-03Digital cultural heritage : the University of Malta’s Institutional RepositoryMicallef, Steve
2022A draft Research Data Management Policy for the UMEllul, Kevin J.
2023Embargo PolicyUniversity of Malta. Library
2016-12-25Enhancing the visibility of Maltese researchLochman, Martin
2016-09The first open access repository in Malta : two years of challenges and experiencesScicluna, Ryan
2022History of the building and upgrade of an European oceanographic data infrastructureFichaut, Michèle
2021Horizon Europe and open accessSchembri, Tamara
2023How to generate your publications list via OAR@UM : a user guideUniversity of Malta. Library
2017-01-07Il-librerija tal-Universita pprezentata b'pubblikazzjoni gdida f'erba' volumiColeiro, Claudio
2020Il-verdett tal-istoriċiFarrugia, Wayne; Grech, Sergio