Dissertations - FacEMAAcc - 2023 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 100
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Malta’s greylisting experience : an analysis of the impact on the financial services industryFarrugia, Kyle (2023)
2023The budgetary process underlying the financing of the Ministry for GozoCassar, Abigail (2023)
2023Revisiting the value added statement : its relevance in the Maltese scenarioMagri, Darren (2023)
2023Implications of second pillar pensions for a locally regulated private entityDe Marco, Kelcy (2023)
2023Tax implications of cross-border remote working : a Maltese perspectiveAzzopardi, Alexia (2023)
2023Boards of directors’ effectiveness in Maltese public sector entities : an analysisScicluna, Marilyn (2023)
2023The use of preference shares by Maltese listed companies : a studyManché, Bernice (2023)
2023The impact of automation on the accounting professionAttard, Katrina (2023)
2023The development of the European public sector accounting standards : an analysisCamilleri, Mikela (2023)
2023The audit approach in start-up and established companies : a comparative studyBaldacchino, Shaniah (2023)
2023The development of the Public Sector Internal Audit and Investigations Department in MaltaDarmanin, Kurt (2023)
2023The evolution of performance measurement systems : a case studyCaruana, Sara (2023)
2023Finance and accounting outsourcing : an analysis of the Maltese marketAttard, Nathan (2023)
2023The implications of a mixed board on the corporate governance of MLEsCaruana, Annie (2023)
2023Trends in the local government NAO annual report : 2018 to 2020Camilleri, Shaun (2023)
2023Integrated reporting principles in the financial reports of public corporationsChetcuti, Dave (2023)
2023Rules on the taxation of fringe benefits : recommendations for an updateBalzan, Marie Claire (2023)
2023Performance audit in women’s domestic violence sheltersAgius, Sarah (2023)
2023The effect of technological advancements on CFOs of Maltese listed entitiesCaruana, Etienne (2023)
2023The implications of ISRS 4400 (revised) on agreed-upon procedures : a Maltese perspectiveBartolo, Amy (2023)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 100

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