Think Magazine, Issue 17 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-10Cultural regeneration through urban spaces and placesDuca, Edward
2016-10Charting space and timeGauci, Ritienne; Zammit, William
2016-10Do emergency contraceptives cause abortions?Hili, Alexander
2016-10Curiosity saved the catZammit, Ian; Stivala, Veronica
2016-10My 100 word idea to change Malta : make society more science-orientedSaid, Jackson
2016-10Pather Panchali [film review]Pisani, Charlo
2016Traders of Osaka [game review]Chircop, David
2016-10Chad Orzel : how to teach quantum physics to your dog [book review]Cini, Andrea Marie
2016-10Let it shineMakipere, Tuovi
2016-10Attacking the silent epidemic of diabetesGatt, Yasmine
2016-10Giving back to the research communityKenely, Wilfred
2016-10Care till death do us partMallia, Pierre
2016-10Politics, policy & risky businessBrockdorff, Noellie; Bajada, Claude J.
2016-10What do you need to setup an indie gaming community?Aldape, Joseph; Ismail, Rami
2016-10Analysing Alice : finding order in chaosGrech, David Reuben; Valentino, Gianluca; Briffa, Johann A.
2016Further down the rabbit holeLorenz, Lars; Vella, Kevin
2016-10Curious mattersCamilleri, Cassi; Giubellino, Paolo
2016-10Initiating AliceDuca, Edward
2016Using muscle activity to control machinesGrech, Christian
2016Thin coatings for better hipsMazzonello, Antonino
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27

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