Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Micro arc discharge surface treatment on BO1 steel | Abela, Stephen |
2024 | Plasma defect-engineering of bulk oxygen-deficient zirconia | Dashtbozorg, Behnam; Shi, Fangzhou; Tagliaferro, Alberto; Abela, Stephen; Falticeanu, Lucian; Dong, Hanshan |
2023 | Thermal and mechanical properties of reprocessed polylactide/titanium dioxide nanocomposites for material extrusion additive manufacturing | Bergaliyeva, Saltanat; Sales, David L.; Jiménez Cabello, José María; Burgos Pintos, Pedro; Fernández Delgado, Natalia; Marzo Gago, Patricia; Zammit, Ann; Molina, Sergio I. |
2024 | Designing Cu chemical distribution in Ti(AlCu)N coatings for enhanced erosion-corrosion and antibacterial performance | Zhang, Xiyu; Wu, Jin; Tao, Xiao; Huang, Zhiquan; Wang, Jianming; Zammit, Ann; Tang, Chunbo; Chen, Jian |
2024 | Microstructural analysis of additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V subjected to duplex surface treatment | Vella, Kelsey Ann; Buhagiar, Joseph; Cassar, Glenn; Attard, Bonnie; Chen, Jian; Zammit, Ann |
2024 | Multi-material stainless steel fabrication using plasma wire arc additive manufacturing | Segovia-Guerrero, Luis; Baladés, Nuria; Attard, Bonnie; De Nicolás, María; Scotti, Americo; Zammit, Ann; Sales, David L. |
2023 | Preparing a Ca-Bi-O system by the precipitation method and studying its intermediate structural properties for applications in water treatment | Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Rus, Florina Stefania; Goncalves, Joao Nuno; Ivanovici, Madalina |
2022 | Gadolinium accumulation and toxicity on in vitro grown stevia rebaudiana : a case-study on gadobutrol | Scurtu, Violeta Florina; Clapa, Doina; Leopold, Loredana Florina; Ranga, Floricuta; Iancu, Stefania D.; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Coman, Vasile; Socaci, Sonia Ancuta; Mot, Augustin C.; Coman, Cristina |
2022 | Highly stable MWCNT-CoFe2O4 photocatalyst. EGA-FTIR coupling as efficient tool to illustrate the formation mechanism | Stefan, M.; Leostean, C.; Popa, A.; Toloman, D.; Perhaita, I.; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Macavei, S.; Pana, O. |
2022 | The effect of 100–200 nm ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles on the in vitro-grown soybean plants | Leopold, Loredana F.; Coman, Cristina; Clapa, Doina; Oprea, Ioana; Toma, Alexandra; Iancu, Stefania D.; Barbu-Tudoran, Lucian; Suciu, Maria; Ciorita, Alexandra; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Muresan, Laura Elena; Perhaita, Ioana Mihaela; Copolovici, Lucian; Copolovici, Dana M.; Copaciu, Florina; Leopold, Nicolae; Vodnar, Dan C.; Coman, Vasile |
2022 | Peculiarities on methyl orange adsorption by porous ZnIn2S4 prepared in different conditions | Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Muresan, L. E.; Perhaita, I.; Pop, L. C.; Saszet, K.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Borodi, G. |
2020 | Copper indium sulphide nanoparticles with tunable energy band gap obtained by ultrasound-assisted precipitation | Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Muresan, L. E.; Perhaita, I.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Borodi, G. |
2017 | Influence of preparative conditions for obtaining ZnS:Mn nanoparticles using ultrasound-assisted precipitation | Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Perhaita, I.; Munteanu, V.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Silipas, D. T.; Muresan, L. E. |
2017 | Synthesis and influence of ultrasonic treatment on luminescence of Mn incorporated ZnS nanoparticles | Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Muresan, L. E.; Perhaita, I.; Munteanu, V.; Karabulut, Y.; Garcia Guinea, J.; Canimoglu, A.; Ayvacikli, M.; Can, N. |
2016 | Studies regarding ZnS:Mn nanopowders prepared from single source molecular precursor using microwave-assisted decomposition | Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Muresan, L. E.; Perhaita, I.; Popovici, E.-J.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Indrea, E. |
2016 | Tunable luminescence of broadband-excited and narrow line green emitting Y2SiO5:Ce3+, Tb3+ phosphor | Muresan, L. E.; Karabulut, Y.; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Perhaita, I.; Canimoglu, A.; Garcia Guinea, J.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Silipas, D.; Ayvacikli, M.; Can, N. |
2015 | Influence of vinyltriethoxysilane concentration on structural and luminescent characteristics of cerium doped yttrium based silicate phosphors | Muresan, L. E.; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Perhaita, I.; Ponta, O.; Pana, O.; Trinkler, L.; Berzina, B.; Korsaks, V. |
2015 | Effect of ultrasound treatment on the morpho-structural and luminescent characteristics of cerium doped yttrium silicate phosphors | Muresan, L. E.; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Perhaita, I.; Silipas, D. T.; Barbu-Tudoran, L. |
2015 | Thermal behavior of precursors for synthesis of Y2SiO5:Ce phosphor via gel combustion | Muresan, Laura Elena; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Perhaita, Ioana; Ponta, Oana; Silipas, Danut Teofil |
2014 | Studies on Y2SiO5:Ce phosphors prepared by gel combustion using new fuels | Muresan, L. E.; Oprea, B. F.; Cadis, Adrian-Ionut; Perhaita, I.; Ponta, O. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 187