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Title: Looking back before moving forward : building on 15 years of comparative educational research in the Mediterranean
Authors: Sultana, Ronald G.
Keywords: Comparative education -- Mediterranean Region
Education -- History -- Mediterranean Region
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: University of Malta. Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research
Citation: Sultana, R.G. (2008). Looking back before moving forward : building on 15 years of comparative educational research in the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 13(2), 9-25
Abstract: This paper considers some of the promises and challenges in doing comparative education in the Mediterranean region. The focus on the Mediterranean is, in many ways, a wager, in that the region is rather more notable for its diversity than for its commonalities. Nevertheless, it is argued that comparative education goes – or should go – beyond the positivist concern with comparing ‘like with like’. Rather, it is more about finding a standpoint from where educational and related social phenomena can be seen from a different perspective, generating a deeper understanding of dynamics, as well as fresh insights. It is argued that the adoption of a Mediterranean lens facilitates this process, though there are distinctive challenges that arise. Building on 15 years experience in carrying out and co-ordinating comparative education projects in the region, the paper outlines both the promise and pitfalls of the endeavour, and traces an agenda for future research.
ISSN: 1024-5375
Appears in Collections:MJES, Volume 13, No. 2 (2008)
MJES, Volume 13, No. 2 (2008)
Scholarly Works - CenEMER
Scholarly Works - FacEduES

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