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Title: Comparison of speed control strategies for maximum power tracking in a wind energy conversion system
Authors: Zaragoza, Jordi
Spiteri Staines, Cyril
Arias, Antoni
Pou, Josep
Robles, Eider
Ceballos, Salvador
Keywords: Wind power
Wind energy conversion systems
Wind turbines
Issue Date: 2010-04
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Citation: Zaragoza, J., Spiteri Staines, C., Arias, A., Pou, J., Robles, E., & Ceballos, S. (2010). Comparison of speed control strategies for maximum power tracking in a wind energy conversion system. MELECON 2010-2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Malta. 961-966. IEEE.
Abstract: This paper presents two different variable-speed control strategies to obtain the maximum power from wind turbines (WT). The two control strategies are composed by three regulators, which may be based on linear or nonlinear controllers. The first control strategy is composed of three standard proportional-integral (PI) regulators. The PI controllers are tuned for a specific operation mode. However, since the system is nonlinear, for different operating conditions, the values of the PI parameters may not be optimal. The second control approach includes a nonlinear (fuzzy) controller to compensate for the nonlinearity of the WT, to achieve improved speed performance under different operating points. The proposed control strategy uses a fuzzy controller and two standard PIs. The results show that in most cases the fuzzy controller obtains superior performance to that of the standard PI-based solution. A powerpoint presentation by the same authors about the same subject is included in this section.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEngEE

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