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Title: The renovation of Strait Street : a past economic income, a potential tourist attraction
Authors: Mamo Cefai, Sarah
Keywords: Strada Stretta (Valletta, Malta)
Streets -- Malta -- Valletta
Valletta (Malta) -- Buildings, structures, etc.
Urban renewal -- Malta -- Valletta
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: This research seeks to explore the rejuvination of Strait Street. This will asses the effects of this current development on the locals in Valletta and current businesses situated in Strait Street. In this study, tourists were also interviewed to discover their current knowledge about the street, if any. This data is needed to evaluate whether there is a demand for a street to be alive at night and whether it shall be aiming at local or foreign clients. The general findings of this research concluded that businesses are looking at a sustainable present and future and will continue to work together to transform Strait Street into a destination. The general locals’ perspective proved to be a positive one with some exceptions. On the other hand, tourists had little knowledge of the whereabouts of Strait Street. This suggests that the main clientele at the moment are mainly Maltese. That being said, hotels and boutique hotels in Valletta are increasing and also expected to open in Strait Street itself. This suggests that although this street is not a major tourist attraction, there is a high possibility that the number of tourists visiting this street may increase over the coming years.
Description: B.A.(HONS)TOURISM
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEMATou - 2016

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