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Title: Adult education : the role of R. U. M.
Authors: Zammit, Edward L.
Keywords: Adult learning -- Malta
University of Malta -- Students
Education -- Curricula -- Malta
Continuing education -- Malta
Education and state -- Malta
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: Students' Representative Council
Citation: Zammit, E. L. (1975). Adult education : the role of R. U. M. Journal of Educational Affairs, 1(1), 40-45.
Abstract: Universities have become notorious in several countries for developing into specialized centres of learning which are unrelated to the most pressing needs of the societies which support them. It is perhaps ironic that contemporary affluent societies, characterized by so many luxuries which earlier societies could not afford, are reluctant to subsidize the existence of 'ivory towers'. Contemporary criticisms are aimed at the quality of much research carried out in universities in terms of its relevance to society. Universities are also criticized especially by radicals for failing to promote what they regard as 'necessary' changes in the social structure. Instead, like many other traditional institutions, universities tend to reflect the existing power distribution of their society and to promote its continuity. As a result universities are said to be largely manned by elites - especially those constituting the traditional professions and the middle class 'intellectuals'.
Appears in Collections:Journal of Educational Affairs, volume 1, issue 1
Journal of Educational Affairs, volume 1, issue 1

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