Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1986 | A living environment for the elderly | De Lucca, Emma (1986) |
1977 | A commentary on Quintinus' Insulae Melitae Descriptio | Vella, Horatio Caesar Roger (1977) |
1993 | Reggie Miller and the post-war socio-political challenges | Micallef Stafrace, Yvonne (1993) |
1973 | Sir Temi Zammit : Ħidmietu mill-kitba | Xuereb, Philip (1973) |
1995 | An overview of Euro-Mediterranean relations | Sciberras, Anne Marie (1995) |
1995 | The relevance of Malta's neutrality and nonalignment after the cold war | Micallef, Michelle (1995) |
1993 | The American-Soviet confrontation in the Mediterranean after World War II : a review of the literature | Miller, Elaine (1993) |
1980 | Some aspects of Veneto-Maltese relations from the War of Cyprus to the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War | Mallia-Milanes, Victor (1980) |
1978 | La vie sociale en France au Moyen Âge : l'époque révolutionnaire et Napoléonienne | Zammit, Mary Josephine (1979) |
1974 | Some aspects of Valerius Flaccus' art : enjambement and some metrical technicalities in the Argonautica | Vella, Horatio (1979) |
1994 | Prosodic structure and intonation in Maltese and its influence on Maltese English | Vella, Alexandra (1994) |
1991 | The socio-economical issues of elderly females in Malta | Xerri, Louise (1991) |
1992 | The primary school as a launching pad for early social work intervention | Wood, Mark (1992) |
1991 | Perceptions of the "role" of the social worker in Malta | Wirth, Marika (1991) |
1992 | Social work education | Vella, Pauline (1992) |
1992 | Social integration of elderly people living in hostel type homes : myth or reality? | Vella, Antoinette H. (1992) |
1991 | The value of social work to the Maltese people | Vella, Andrea (1991) |
1976 | Étude comparée des poèmes de Dun Karm Psaila dans leur texte original et dans leur traduction faite par Laurent Ropa | Caruana, Rita (1976) |
1980 | The interaction of multiple processes of human settlement in a Mediterranean Island ecosystem | Macelli, Tony (1980) |
1995 | Nietzsche's philosophy of language | Mangion, Claude (1995) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 463