Dissertations - FacArt - 1964-1995 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 463
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986A living environment for the elderlyDe Lucca, Emma (1986)
1977A commentary on Quintinus' Insulae Melitae DescriptioVella, Horatio Caesar Roger (1977)
1993Reggie Miller and the post-war socio-political challengesMicallef Stafrace, Yvonne (1993)
1973Sir Temi Zammit : Ħidmietu mill-kitbaXuereb, Philip (1973)
1995An overview of Euro-Mediterranean relationsSciberras, Anne Marie (1995)
1995The relevance of Malta's neutrality and nonalignment after the cold warMicallef, Michelle (1995)
1993The American-Soviet confrontation in the Mediterranean after World War II : a review of the literatureMiller, Elaine (1993)
1980Some aspects of Veneto-Maltese relations from the War of Cyprus to the outbreak of the Thirty Years' WarMallia-Milanes, Victor (1980)
1978La vie sociale en France au Moyen Âge : l'époque révolutionnaire et NapoléonienneZammit, Mary Josephine (1979)
1974Some aspects of Valerius Flaccus' art : enjambement and some metrical technicalities in the ArgonauticaVella, Horatio (1979)
1994Prosodic structure and intonation in Maltese and its influence on Maltese EnglishVella, Alexandra (1994)
1991The socio-economical issues of elderly females in MaltaXerri, Louise (1991)
1992The primary school as a launching pad for early social work interventionWood, Mark (1992)
1991Perceptions of the "role" of the social worker in MaltaWirth, Marika (1991)
1992Social work educationVella, Pauline (1992)
1992Social integration of elderly people living in hostel type homes : myth or reality?Vella, Antoinette H. (1992)
1991The value of social work to the Maltese peopleVella, Andrea (1991)
1976Étude comparée des poèmes de Dun Karm Psaila dans leur texte original et dans leur traduction faite par Laurent RopaCaruana, Rita (1976)
1980The interaction of multiple processes of human settlement in a Mediterranean Island ecosystemMacelli, Tony (1980)
1995Nietzsche's philosophy of languageMangion, Claude (1995)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 463

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