Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | An analysis of financial markets integration within the European Union | Camilleri, Jean Paul |
2012 | The fear of equity : the macroeconomics of European aversion towards stock markets | Zammit, Fabian |
2012 | An empirical study of the capital requirements and bank behaviour : evidence for Maltese banks | Vella, Phylisienne |
2012 | Governance, risk management and compliance practices within Maltese credit institutions | Vella, Christopher (2012) |
2012 | The changing culture from savings to investments : Malta - a case study | Perotti, Michaela |
2012 | The growing importance of pension reform : how does this apply to Malta and why is it becoming increasingly important to reform the system in Malta? | Psaila, Benjamin |
2012 | The European sovereign debt crisis : an analysis of the causes & consequences in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and the Eurozone as a whole | Peeters, Lesley |
2012 | Microfinance institutions : a regional performance analysis | Pace, Desmond |
2012 | The application of apposite financial indicators to test the stability and sustainability of the retail banking sector : a retrospective approach | Pace, Charlene |
2012 | The effect of recent changes in the financial sector on aircraft financing | Mifsud, Bettina |
2012 | Sovereign versus corporate bonds credit spreads in Europe | Inguanez, Carla |
2012 | Investment motives in emerging markets : a Maltese investment's perspective | Hili, Jana |
2012 | A study on the UCITS framework in the Maltese fund services industry | Gribbon, George |
2012 | The great depression, the U.S. sub-prime crisis and the Japanese "lost decade" : a comparative study | Gerada, Andrea |
2012 | Comparison of EU-wide bank stress test results for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011 | Galea, Lorella |
2012 | Operational risk management and business continuity planning in the banking industry | Formosa, Alexia |
2012 | Lending by commercial banks in Malta | Ferrante, Rachel |
2012 | Customers' attitudes towards online banking services: an empirical analysis of the Maltese context | Fenech, Maria Diandra |
2012 | Is bank stress testing the main solution in the prevention of future bank failures? | Fenech, Joanna |
2012 | The eurozone sovereign debt crisis: an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness and sustainability of the crisis response measures adopted | Fenech, Clyde |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41