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Title: Bullying amongst university students in the UK
Authors: Cowie, Helen
Myers, Carrie-Anne
Keywords: Cyberbullying -- Great Britain
College students -- Great Britain
Peer counseling
Issue Date: 2014-04
Publisher: Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health
Citation: The International Journal of Emotional Education. 2014, Vol. 6(1), p. 66-75
Abstract: This study with 20 university students examined perspectives in three different participant roles: the perpetrator, the target and the bystander. The purpose of the exercise was to resolve the outcome of an alleged incident of cyberbullying using a social network site via the means of a restorative conference. The findings suggest that the power of the peer group needs to be fully understood if cyberbullying, is to be tackled efficiently. The bystanders tended to blame the victim and were reluctant to intervene, the victim felt let down and marginalised by peers’ indifference and hostility, and the bully failed to realise or understand the consequences of their actions. The study offers ideas for strategies and policies to address the issue of cyberbullying with university students.
ISBN: 2073-7629
Appears in Collections:IJEE, Volume 6, Issue 1
IJEE, Volume 6, Issue 1

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