Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Information technology as a vocational subject in secondary schools : the realities faced by teachers, school leaders and policymakers | Zammit, Ann Marie (2020) |
2020 | Multicultural education in Gozo primary schools : possibilities, challenges and questions | Grech, Cheryl (2020) |
2020 | The label of ADHD and primary school teachers’ expectations | Attard, Irina (2020) |
2020 | Exploring the “geographical imaginations” of Maltese students | Xuereb, Ezekiel (2020) |
2020 | The teaching of the creation accounts to religious education secondary school students | Vella, Maria (2020) |
2020 | Conveying social awareness through art : an art teacher’s perspective | Zammit, Charles (2020) |
2020 | Hawn ħaġa... x’inhija? : il-ħaġa moħġaġa fit-tagħlim tal-Malti fl-Iskejjel medji u sekondarji | Saliba, Michela (2020) |
2020 | Former secondary school students' attitudes towards personal, social and career development | Vella, Julian (2020) |
2020 | The administration of an anxiety scale to students with dyslexia in secondary schools | Saliba, Alexia (2020) |
2020 | Infusing the United Nations sustainable development goals in the teaching and learning of Business studies | Portelli, Renée (2020) |
2020 | Symbol literacy approach in education : the perspectives of primary school teachers | Portelli, Maria (2020) |
2020 | L’esperienza di studenti italiani nelle scuole maltesi, e la percezione degli insegnanti nei loro confronti | Palazzo, Tamara (2020) |
2020 | Problematising the familiar : a deconstruction of the ‘My Journey’ reform | Galea, Emily (2020) |
2020 | Past and present trends and methodologies used in Maltese German as a Foreign Language (GFL) learning context : a comparative multimodal investigation | Mallia, Valeria (2020) |
2020 | The ethics of care : a narrative inquiry with teachers of Ethics | Hickey, Emma Maria (2020) |
2020 | Parents’ perspectives about the effects of heteronormativity on children’s learning experiences at school | Grech, Marise (2020) |
2020 | Symbols and concepts of death in the animation movie ‘Coco’ : a study with primary school children | Gatt, Christabelle (2020) |
2020 | Implementing the scouts’ patrol system in Science education for holistic development | Galea, Caroline (2020) |
2020 | The benefits of learning through sensorial play in two Montessori schools | Fenech Adami, Francesca (2020) |
2020 | Iż-żejjed kollu żejjed! : it-tagħlim tal-ħiliet tal-lingwa permezz ta’ kanzunetti ta’ protesta | Curmi, Miriana (2020) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84