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The Law Journal was, at the time, the first and only local legal publication on our island. Its existence was indicative of a lacuna, one which academics would not fill. It took a group of law students, balancing their studies and other commitments, to organise such a publication.

This journal was not long lived, with only three volumes being published, however it set a precedent. A precedent which was only fulfilled after twenty years of absence, when the law students resurrected the project, rebranding it to Id-Dritt, where it has continued to this day, becoming an annual publication which is the crown jewel of the Malta Law Students' Society.

Today, the project lives on as the GħSL’s Online Law Journal. The GħSL’s Online Law Journal serves as a web-based publication directed at students of law and legal professionals in Malta. While the prestigious law journal 'Id-Dritt' is published on an annual basis, the aim of the Online Law Journal is to create and consolidate GħSL’s position online as a current and fast-paced legal source. The Online Law Journal serves as a forum for students and professionals alike to contribute research and articles to the ever-expanding online legal library that GħSL brings to the public.
