Browsing by Author Munro, Dane

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Showing results 40 to 59 of 62 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009On the patronage of the OrderMunro, Dane
2021-10Open letter to His Holiness Pope Frances regarding the historical justification of the canonisation of the Blessed GerardMunro, Dane
2019A Pauline progress : protestant post-pilgrimage reflectionsMunro, Dane
2023Peregrinatio interrupta : an eclectic success of a failed pilgrimageButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2021Pilgrim coaches : a new phenomenonMunro, Dane
2021Pilgrimage and beyond : going places, far and awayMunro, Dane; McIntosh, Ian S.; Sy Su, Chadwick Co
2002-08A re-edition and translation into English of the monumental inscriptions found at the nave of St John's Co-Cathedral (Valletta, Malta), including introduction, full commentary and indicesMunro, Dane
2023Religious food consumption in the sacred island of MaltaButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2023Religious tourism in Malta between politics, policies and private enterpriseMunro, Dane
2018A risky delight : the dangers of being a participant in a Maltese festaCassar, George; Munro, Dane
2015The road to Jerusalem : the Amalfitan Hospice in Jerusalem in its earliest stage until the First CrusadeMunro, Dane
2023Saving ourselves and saving the Earth : new circular pilgrimages routes in the NetherlandsMunro, Dane
2011Sea heroes of the Dutch and Maltese fleetsMunro, Dane
2022A semi-autoethnographical account of the Order of Malta’s annual pilgrimage to LourdesMunro, Dane
2019A short case study of two German knights von KönigseggMunro, Dane
2023Special issue : Sacred journeys : religious tourism and pilgrimage volume IICo Sy Su, Chadwick; McIntosh, Ian; Munro, Dane
2008St John’s Conventual Church in Valletta, Malta: the dynamism of a church floorMunro, Dane
2020Stereotyping the enemy : Turcica at St John'sMunro, Dane
2018The struggle for supremacy : the Mediterranean world in 1453 and beyondCassar, George; Munro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel
2020The sublime darker heritage tourism aspects at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta, MaltaMunro, Dane