Browsing by Author Attard, Jason

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012The applicability of time-driven activity-based costing for menu planning & analysis in a Maltese restaurantAttard, Jason
2017The association between health literacy and health care utilization in persons with coronary heart disease in MaltaAttard, Jason
2009The characterization of c-Kit mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumoursGauci, S.; Attard, Jason; Falzon, Sharon; Avellino, Roberto; Borg, Joseph J.; DeGaetano, James; Grech, Godfrey
2020-07Charting the endometrial cancer care pathway : a baseline auditAttard, Jason; Brincat, Mark R.; Tanti, Charmaine; Buhagiar, Nicole; Farrugia, Marie Claire; Farrugia, Jean-Claude; Laspina, Stefan; Muscat Baron, Yves; Marmara, Danika
2017Communication at the primary/secondary care interface : a review of the literature and a stakeholder analysisAttard, Jason; Gauci, Charmaine; Mamo, Julian
2020-10CPR performance in lay people with telephone assisted CPR instructions : a prospective manikin-based observational studyAttard Biancardi, Mark Anthony; Spiteri, Peter; Attard, Jason; Debono, Marika; Mifsud, Joanne; Borg Farrugia, Alexander; Borg Curmi, Maria
2016Cyclist safety in Malta : a reviewAttard, Jason; Deguara, Michelle; Borg Buontempo, Mariella
2019The development of post-graduate education and training in public health medicine in the Maltese health systemVincenti, Karen; Borg, Annalise; Attard, Jason
2011A difficult case of Crohn’s disease?Azzopardi, Neville; Ellul, Pierre; Attard, Thomas; Attard, Jason; DeGaetano, James; Vassallo, Mario; Piscopo, Tonio
2015The efficacy of lymph node fine needle aspiration cytologyAttard, Jason; Galea, Jonathan; Betts, Alexandra
2024-12A follow up study on the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits of Maltese family doctors in disease prevention and health promotionAttard, Jason; Cardona, Tania; Micallef, Terence; Farrugia, Joanne; Cachia, John; Gauci, Charmaine
2024Good practices for childhood obesity prevention in kindergartens and primary schools in MaltaAttard, Jason; Portelli, Martina; Gauci, Charmaine
2016An update in breast cancer epidemiology and healthcare services in MaltaAttard, Jason; Dalmas, Miriam; England, Kathleen