Browsing by Author Buttigieg, Noel

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 62  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011The administration of the Order's bakery : some preliminary observationsButtigieg, Noel
2019Aspects of the agriculture industry during the second world war : Żebbuġ and Siġġiewi as a case-studyButtigieg, Noel
2023Bread and bakers in eighteenth-century MaltaButtigieg, Noel
2014Bread and the city : 1740-1798Buttigieg, Noel
2010Bread in early modern Malta : the voice withinButtigieg, Noel
2016Bread quality and consumer trust in eighteenth century urban MaltaButtigieg, Noel
2018Bread, bakers and the black market experience in 1942 MaltaButtigieg, Noel
2021Breadways and black-market intrigues in 1942 MaltaButtigieg, Noel
2020British colonial Malta : a melting pot of culinary diets (1800-1900)Buttigieg, Noel; Cassar, George
2020A change process for the Tourism Undergraduate Programme of the University of MaltaEbejer, John; Buttigieg, Noel; Avellino, Marie
2021Covid-19 and empty meeting groundsButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2023Covid-19 and the immediate culinary experiences of a Maltese communityButtigieg, Noel
2021The creative economy and sustainable tourism development - taste historyButtigieg, Noel; Avellino, Marie
2019Cultural foodscapes of an island nationAvellino, Marie; Buttigieg, Noel; Cassar, George
2011The early modem licensed ridotto : an attempt to 'domesticate gambling'? (1650-1798)Buttigieg, Noel
2017'Eating love magic' : another case of locating female visibility in 18th-century Malta?Buttigieg, Noel
2020Editorial : Food : concepts, values and significanceButtigieg, Noel; Cassar, George
2023[Editorial] Introduction to Food and the pilgrim : nourishment for pilgrims and faith-based touristsMunro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel; Olsen, Daniel H.
2015Feeding the besiegedButtigieg, Noel
2023Food and the pilgrim. Nourishment for pilgrims and faith-based touristsMunro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel; Olsen, Daniel H.