Browsing by Author Debono, Carl James

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 133  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003A 0.9 V wide-input-range bulk-input CMOS OTA for Gm-C filtersGrech, Ivan; Micallef, Joseph; Debono, Carl James; Azzopardi, George
2001A 1 V second order Sigma-Delta modulatorGrech, Ivan; Micallef, Joseph; Debono, Carl James; Malcovati, Piero; Maloberti, Franco
2001A 1.8 GHz CMOS low-noise amplifierDebono, Carl James; Maloberti, Franco; Micallef, Joseph
1999A 1V second order sigma-delta modulatorGrech, Ivan; Micallef, Joseph; Debono, Carl James; Malcovati, Piero; Maloberti, Franco
2015-123D video coding and transmissionDebono, Carl James; Assuncao, P. A. A.
2009802.11a channel parameters characterization on board a business jetDebono, Carl James; Chetcuti, Keith; Bruillot, Serge
2001A 900 MHz, 0.9 V low-power CMOS downconversion mixerDebono, Carl James; Maloberti, Franco; Micallef, Joseph
2009-01Accurate modelling of Ka-band videoconferencing systems based on the quality of experienceFarrugia, Reuben A.; Debono, Carl James
2013An adaptive Lagrange multiplier technique for multi-view video plus depth codingCordina, Mario; Debono, Carl James
2013Adaptive rounding operator for efficient Wyner-Ziv video codingMicallef, Jeffrey J.; Farrugia, Reuben A.; Debono, Carl James
2013An adaptive texture-depth rate allocation estimation technique for low latency multi-view video plus depth transmissionCordina, Mario; Debono, Carl James
2010An analysis on the effect of transmission errors in real-time H.264-MVC bit-streamsMicallef, Brian W.; Debono, Carl James
2008The application of database correlation methods for location detection in GSM networksDebono, Carl James; Calleja, Christian
2005The application of discrete time methods to position estimation in indoor wireless networksBuhagiar, Julian K.; Debono, Carl James
2009The application of discrete time methods to position estimation in WMANsBuhagiar, Julian K.; Debono, Carl James
2005The application of self-organising neural networks to location detection in 3G systemsDebono, Carl James; Buhagiar, Julian K.
2004The application of software-radio in a point-to-point radio link receiverChetcuti, Keith; Debono, Carl James; Lagomarsino, V.
2006The application of support vector machine for speech classificationGauci, Oliver; Debono, Carl James; Gatt, Edward; Micallef, Paul
2010-04-01Applying an SOM neural network to increase the lifetime of battery-operated wireless sensor networksCordina, Mario; Debono, Carl James
2010Applying prediction techniques to reduce uplink transmission and energy requirements in mobile free-viewpoint video applicationsDe Raffaele, Clifford; Debono, Carl James