Browsing by Author Mangion, Claude

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Book review of Fuchs, C. : Critical Theory of CommunicationMangion, Claude
2015Book review of Wain, K. : Between truth and freedom. Rousseau and our contemporary political and educational cultureMangion, Claude
2020The comfort trapMangion, Claude
2013Communication, dialogue and philosophyMangion, Claude
2011A critical commentary on Nietzsche’s “On the origin of language”Mangion, Claude
1997Critical strategies : Nietzsche’s use of metonymyMangion, Claude
1993Gadamer and Schopenhauer : a comparative account of their aesthetic theoriesMangion, Claude
1991Il-Filosofija f'MaltaSerracino Inglott, Peter; Mangion, Claude
2008Joe Friggieri's postmodernist poeticsMangion, Claude
2010Lectures 13 : program 18: Wistin il-filosofuAugustinian Institute; Mangion, Claude
2009Living in a faith-less world : a reading of 'No Country for Old Men'Mangion, Claude
2012-08Nietzsche on the relationship between context, names and signsMangion, Claude
2000Nietzsche, communication and the possibility of emancipationMangion, Claude
2016Nietzsche’s philosophy of communicationMangion, Claude
2003Nietzsche’s philosophy of mythMangion, Claude
2020On Quentin Meillassoux and the problem of evilMangion, Claude
2022On the communicative intent of Augustine’s ConfessionsMangion, Claude
2010On the dialogical engagement between theology and popular cultureMangion, Claude
2019On the relationship between communication and the philosophical way of life in the PhaedrusMangion, Claude
2015On tradition, communication and social reproductionMangion, Claude