Browsing by Author Sciriha, Anabel

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Benefits obtained following a 12 week pulmonary rehabilitation programmeSciriha, Anabel; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Claudia; Fsadni, Peter; Gerada, Eleanor; Gouder, Caroline; Montefort, Stephen; Zammit, Christopher
2014-04Benefits obtained following a 12 week pulmonary rehabilitation programme : one year follow-upSciriha, Anabel; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Claudia; Fsadni, Peter; Gerada, Eleanor; Gouder, Caroline; Camilleri, Liberato; Montefort, Stephen; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen
2023Benefits of a 12-week pulmonary rehabilitation programme in interstitial lung diseases : 1 year post completionsSciriha, Anabel; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Agius, Tonio P.; Scerri, Josianne; Fsadni, Peter; Montefort, Stephen
2021Breathing retraining to improve dyspnoea and walking distance in patients with interstitial lung diseases : a randomised controlled trialSciriha, Anabel; Axiak, Melanie; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Scerri, Josianne; Agius, Tonio P.; Xerri de Caro, John; Spiteri Gingell, Nadine; Montefort, Stephen
2009Combining inspiratory muscle training and upper limb exercises. Does it improve outcomes in COPD patients?Sciriha, Anabel; Moore, Kathie; Montefort, Stephen
2023Core muscle strengthening exercises in the management of hip osteoarthritis : outcomes of a 12-week programmeDalmas, Ilona; Agius, Tonio P.; Sciriha, Anabel
2023The effectiveness of a 12 week exercise programme in hip osteoarthritis : a randomised controlled trialDalmas, Ilona; Sciriha, Anabel; Agius, Tonio P.
2023Effects of core strengthening on balance in patients with hip osteoarthritis : a randomised controlled trialDalmas, Ilona; Sciriha, Anabel; Camilleri, Liberato; Agius, Tonio P.
2017Health status of COPD patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation : a comparative responsiveness of the CAT and SGRQSciriha, Anabel; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Scerri, Josianne; Magro, Rosalie; Camilleri, Liberato; Montefort, Stephen
2023The kinematics of fixed-seat rowing : a structured synthesisAgius, Tonio P.; Cerasola, Dario; Gauci, Michael; Sciriha, Anabel; Sillato, Darren; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Xerri de Caro, John; Needham, Robert; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Grima, Joseph N.
2023Muscle energy techniques in patients with COPD : a randomised controlled trialSevasta, Kimberley; Agius, Tonio P.; Sciriha, Anabel
2023Muscle energy techniques in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : a narrative reviewSevasta, Kimberley; Agius, Tonio P.; Sciriha, Anabel
2023On the kinematics of the forward-facing Venetian-style rowing techniqueGrima, Joseph N.; Cerasola, Dario; Sciriha, Anabel; Sillato, Darren; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Gauci, Michael; Xerri de Caro, John; Needham, Robert; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Agius, Tonio P.
2023The prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in tennis players : a case studyAgius, Tonio. P; Lia, Nicole G.; Vella, S.; Sciriha, Anabel
2010Pulmonary rehabilitation : insight into current trendsSciriha, Anabel; Montefort, Stephen
2019Pulmonary rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : effects of a high versus low intensity programmeBianco, Jean Paul; Sciriha, Anabel; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Agius, Tonio P.; Scerri, Josianne; Montefort, Stephen
2015Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : outcomes in a 12 week programmeSciriha, Anabel; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Scerri, Josianne; Bilocca, David; Fsadni, Claudia; Fsadni, Peter; Gerada, Eleanor; Gouder, Caroline; Camilleri, Liberato; Montefort, Stephen
2017Pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Pulmonary FibrosisSciriha, Anabel
2019Pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with interstitial lung disease : the effects of a 12-week programmeSciriha, Anabel; Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen; Fsadni, Peter; Scerri, Josianne; Montefort, Stephen
2024The reduction in breast cancer-related lymphoedema with kinesiotapingSpiteri, Maria; Duncan, Roberta; Sciriha, Anabel; Xerri de Caro, John; Agius, Tonio