Browsing by Subject Medicine -- Malta -- History

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 54  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Brave New Hospital (Apologies to Aldous Huxley)Vassallo, Josanne
2006Brucellosis : The Malta Experience - A Celebration 1905-2005Rizzo Naudi, John
1956Chest-piece : volume 1 : issue 11Ciancio, Vincent J.
2002Concepts of health and illness in early modern MaltaCassar, Carmel
1960Cynomorium coccineum linn., a Maltese historical plantLanfranco, Guido
1997-12Dr. Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866) : the Malta connectionCassar, Paul
1989Facets of medical life in Senglea in the late 18th and early 19th centuriesCassar, Paul
1987French influence on medical development in MaltaCassar, Paul
1978Giovan Francesco BuonamicoMangion, Giovanni
2017-04Giovanni Francesco Buonamico (1639-1680)Bonnici, Jason J.
1989Hagret il-General : a reminder of a medicinal plantBoffa, Charles J.
1991Hagret il-General : an islet with past medical linksBoffa, Charles J.
1977Historical review of the development of medicine and surgery in MaltaCassar, Paul
2003The history of maternity care in the Maltese islandsSavona-Ventura, Charles
2014Il-marda tad-deni rqiq fid-dinja, f'Malta u f'Ħal KirkopCarbone, Joseph
2006It-tabib Paul CassarBaldacchino, Carmelo P.
2002It-tabib Żejtuni Vincenzo Abela u l-‘mistura’ kontra l-koleraBaldacchino, Carmelo P.
2003Ix-xjenzi applikati - il-medicinaSavona-Ventura, Charles; Dipartiment tat-Taghrif Partit Laburista
1975Journal of Educational Affairs : volume 1 : issue 1Attard, David J.
1977Journal of the Faculty of Arts : volume 6 : issue 4Vassallo, Mario