Browsing by Subject Mental health promotion

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Australian and Maltese teachers’ perspectives about their capabilities for mental health promotion in school settingsAskell-Williams, Helen; Cefai, Carmel
2018-06Carmel Cefai and Paul Cooper (editors) : Mental health promotion in schools : cross-cultural narratives and perspectives [book review]Martinelli, Victor
2013Educational community stakeholders’ perspectives about teachers’ responsibilities for mental health promotion in Maltese schoolsAskell-Williams, Helen; Cefai, Carmel; Skrzypiec, Grace; Wyra, Mirella
2015A healthy start : promoting mental health and well-being in the early primary school yearsCefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato
2020-04Mental health promotion in schools : a comprehensive theoretical frameworkCavioni, Valeria; Grazzani, Ilaria; Ornaghi, Veronica
2017-09Opening speech by president of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at the 6th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society Conference, organized by the Mediterranean Neuroscience SocietyColeiro Preca, Marie-Louise
2017Parents’/carers’ participation in mental health promotion in schoolsBartolo, Paul A.; Cefai, Carmel
2022Promoting mental health at school : evaluating the effectiveness of the PROMEHS programme in improving students’ and teachers’ social and emotional competence, resilience and mental healthCefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato; Bartolo, Paul A.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Cavioni, Valeria; Conte, Elisabetta; Ornaghi, Veronica; Agliati, Alessia; Gandellini, Sabina; Tatalović Vorkapić, Sanja; Poulou, Maria S.; Martinsone, Baiba; Stokenberga, Ieva; Simões, Celeste; Santos, Margarida; Colomeischi, Aurora Adina
2024Teachers’ mental health during Covid-19 : an evidence-based program for teachersPoulou, Maria S.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Cavioni, Valeria; Cefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato