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Title: Career aspirations among Form Four students : a gender perspective
Authors: Vella, Nadia (2004)
Keywords: School children -- Malta
Education, Secondary -- Malta
Vocational guidance -- Malta
Vocational guidance -- Parent participation -- Malta
Student aspirations -- Malta
Sex differences
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Vella, N. (2004). Career aspirations among Form Four students : a gender perspective (Diploma long essay).
Abstract: Past research indicates that sociocultural influences including parents, gender, social class and type of school attended affect career choice amongst adolescents. This study investigates the potential impact of sociocultural influences upon three main aspects of young people's lives: their intended career aspirations, parental involvement in career choice, and their perceptions of future work commitments. Particular attention is given to the investigation of gender differences among students. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of two hundred and eighty-two students aged fourteen years attending state, church and private schools. Data was analysed through a quantitative approach and percentages were derived. The study indicates that parents have higher aspirations for sons rather than daughters. Females tend to deliberately choose family friendly occupations without the direct pressure from their parents. Further studies should be conducted to investigate future development in career aspirations amongst males and females.
Description: DIP.SOC.STUD.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 1999-2010
Dissertations - FacArtSoc - 1986-2010

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