IJEE, Volume 15 Issue 2 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Theory of constructed emotion : emotional vocabulary and emotional intelligenceDaniela Calero, Alejandra; Rosenfelda, Nicole; Belén Jadera, María; Inés Burinab, Débora
2023Book reviews [International Journal of Emotional Education, 15(2)]Cowie, Helen
2023Conflict management in physical education : the critical role of team- based activities in physical education to improve cooperation and wellbeingDely-Palinkas, Aniko; Tari-Keresztes, Noemi; Gupta, Himanshu
2023The role of resilience in the relationships between the big five personality traits and life satisfaction and anxietyCrnković, Marija; Drnas, Marija Šarić; Olčar, Diana
2023The relationship between emotional intelligence of school principals, psychological climate, and teacher motivationMing Wu, Shwu
2023Portraits of pre-service special education teachers : perspectives on well-being and its association with self-efficacy and work engagementCavioni, Valeria; Toto, Giusi; Ornaghi, Veronica
2023The emotional well-being of teachers and school personnel : an experience sampling studyJakobsson, Pehr; Fagerlund, Åse; Laakso, Mari; Londen, Monica
2023Relationality and student engagement in higher education : towards enhanced students’ learning experiencesOwusu-Agyeman, Yaw; Moroeroe, Enna M.
2023Editorial [International Journal of Emotional Education, 15(2)]Cefai, Carmel
2023Affective pedagogy in pre-service teacher education : a two fold approach combining explicit and vicarious learningFalcón-Linares, Carolina
2023The validity of the TMMS-24 emotional intelligence scale in a context of music-oriented secondary school students in ItalyPatti-Signorelli, Anna; Romero-Diaz de la Guardia, José Javier
2023Attachment and social connectedness : the sequential mediating role of inferiority and perfectionismŞahin, Ezgi Ekin; Duy, Baki
2023The impact of the Sentituz programmes on emotional competence and social climate in the classroomBerastegui-Martínez, Jon; Caba-Collado, María Ángeles de la; Pérez-Escoda, Núria
2023The relationship between mindfulness and resilience in Maltese undergraduates : a study of affective well-being as a potential mediatorAtkins, Elaine; Muscat-Inglott, Matthew
2023When teachers have autonomy to create SEL initiatives : conceptualizations and iterationsBinfet, John-Tyler; Green, Freya L. L.; Roche, Sherri; Scott, Cassidy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15