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dc.contributor.authorBaldacchino, Godfrey-
dc.identifier.citationBaldacchino, G. (2021). The most beautiful street. IPS Journal, 1, 12-19.en_GB
dc.description.abstractInfrastructure Malta is usually associated with the provision of the necessities of mobility and connectivity; and maintaining and enhancing the road network in particular. However, perhaps to inject some colour into the annus horribilis that was 2020, the Agency organised a competition to determine “the most beautiful street” in Malta. Sanctuary Street, Żabbar, came first: it is a long and straight street, with a mixed use of residential and small-scale commercial, professional and retail services and facilities, and connecting a square at its south end with the Żabbar Parish Church, dedicated to our Lady of Graces, at its north end (this being the Sanctuary after which it is named). Somehow, the street itself makes up for the absence of a church parvis: none is found in Żabbar.en_GB
dc.publisherInstitute for the Public Serviceen_GB
dc.subjectStreets -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectInfrastructure (Economics) -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectSustainable architecture -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectConstruction industry -- Maltaen_GB
dc.titleThe most beautiful streeten_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.publication.titleIPS Journalen_GB
Appears in Collections:IPS Journal : Issue 1 : January 2021

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