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dc.identifier.citationCaruana, M. (2023). Genotoxic assessment of plasma activated solutions on N/TERT1 and N/TERT2G human keratinocytes (Master’s dissertation).en_GB
dc.description.abstractSeveral disease outbreaks that occurred in relatively recent times have highlighted the threatening danger that fast-spreading pathogens can cause in an unprepared world. Even though current methods of sanitisation have proven to be effective in disinfecting surfaces, equipment and hands, they are far from being the ideal sanitizer. Plasma-activated water (PAW) produced from cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has the potential to be an efficient and better replacement for the common alcohol sanitisers used. The possibility to produce it on site, with fewer raw substances and adverse reactions, make it an ideal candidate for a universal sanitiser if proven to be medical-grade and effective against most pathogens. This study aimed at evaluating; (i) the mutagenic potential of hydrogen peroxide and PAW; (ii) the effect on cell viability of N/TERT 1 and N/TERT 2G cells after exposure to these two compounds; (iii) the oxidative stress imposed on the N/TERT cells after exposure to PAW and hydrogen peroxide and (iv) the genotoxic potential of the compounds on the keratinocyte cells through the change in replicative index and formation of micronuclei. A 30 min incubation protocol was used for the Ames test utilising S. enterica Typhimurium TA 98, S. enterica Typhimurium TA 100, S. enterica Typhimurium TA 1535, S. enterica Typhimurium TA 1537 and E. coli WP2 trp uvrA strains which resulted in no mutagenicity caused by either of the compounds. Exposure of both cell lines to hydrogen peroxide and PAW resulted in no decrease in cell viability upon exposure of up to 5 min as well as a decrease in 8-oxodG production, a biomarker of oxidative stress when compared to the negative control. A reduction in the replicative index was recorded when cells were treated with both media containing the test compounds with no formation of micronuclei recorded. This study demonstrated the potential use of PAW as a hand sanitizer for short exposure times of up to 5 min.en_GB
dc.subjectHydrogen peroxideen_GB
dc.subjectPlasma (Ionized gases)en_GB
dc.subjectGenetic toxicologyen_GB
dc.titleGenotoxic assessment of plasma activated solutions on N/TERT1 and N/TERT2G human keratinocytesen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Maltaen_GB
dc.publisher.departmentFaculty of Health Sciences. Department of Food Science and Nutritionen_GB
dc.contributor.creatorCaruana, Matthias (2023)-
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacHSc - 2023
Dissertations - FacHScFSEH - 2023

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