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Title: Faculty of Laws Newsletter : April 2024 : issue 18
Authors: Borg, Tonio
Sammut, Ivan
Leontijevic, Rowena
Mifsud, Ivan
Keywords: University of Malta. Faculty of Laws
University of Malta. Faculty of Laws -- Activities
Issue Date: 2024-04
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Laws
Citation: Borg, T., Borg, I., Leontijevic, R., & Mifsud, I. (2024, April). Faculty of Laws Newsletter : April 2024 : issue 18. University of Malta. Faculty of Laws.
Abstract: During March we celebrated two Ph.D. graduations from our Faculty, these being Maurizio Ferrari and Paul E Micallef; in a separate ceremony we also celebrated the success of our post-grad students, including but not limited to our M.Adv. and M.Not students (Academic Year 2022-2023). A big well done to Dr Oleksandr Pastukhov and Dr Mireille Caruana for their excellent orations! On a different note, as in the past, I reminded our members of staff, in particular the full-timers, of the importance of putting in a good attendance at these ceremonies. Time is a premium for all of us, but participating in these special occasions is time well spent. Some heeded my request and attended at least one of the four events (including the Graduation Mass); others had the decency to call me up and explain why they were unable to attend this year. To all of these, I am grateful for their collegiality and for understanding that by attending at least some of these ceremonies they are not doing the Dean a favour, but are honouring our Institution and the graduating students to whose formation they themselves contributed.
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