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Title: Are chondroitin and glucosamine in combination effective in the treatment of osteoarthritic pain?
Authors: Sammut, Mario R.
Keywords: Osteoarthritis -- Treatment
Dermatan sulfate -- Therapeutic use
Glucosamine -- Therapeutic use
Pain -- Treatment
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Malta College of Pharmacy Practice
Citation: Sammut, M. R. (2007). Are chondroitin and glucosamine in combination effective in the treatment of osteoarthritic pain? Journal of the Malta College of Pharmacy Practice, 12, 47-50.
Abstract: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs today are contraindicated for osteoarthritic pain in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease due to adverse effects. An internet review of the evidence regarding the use in osteoarthritis of oral chondroitin and glucosamine in combination produced three relevant randomised controlled trials with valid results. After critical appraisal for reliability and applicability, chondroitin-glucosamine was found to significantly reduce pain in moderate knee osteoarthritis, while significantly improving disability in mild to moderate cases. If the results are generalisable to osteoarthritis of all joints, combined chondroitinglucosamine in purified therapeutic doses should help care for osteoarthritis patients safely and at moderate expense.
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JMCPP, Issue 12
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