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Title: Lysol poisoning
Authors: Psaila, Angelo J.
Spiteri, Bernardette
Keywords: Disinfection and disinfectants
Cresol -- Toxicology
Accidental poisoning
Issue Date: 1985
Publisher: University of Malta Medical School
Citation: Psaila, A. J., & Spiteri, B. (1985). Lysol poisoning. Medi-Scope, 7, 8-12.
Abstract: The term "Lysol" was originally registered by a German firm, but following the First World War this registration was cancelled. It is still a protected trademark in certain countries notably USA. Lysol or Liquor Cresolis Saponatis is a 50% solution of Cresol (3-Methyl Phenol CH3C6H40H) in a saponified vegetable oil. It replaced carbolic acid as a less toxic disinfectant. Lysol has an amber or red brown colour and a distinctive phenolic odour. At the beginning of this century, fatalities from carbolic acid or phenol poisoning were exceedingly common. Glaister (1902) stated: "Its use is familiar to the lay public as a popular disinfectant and of late years by reason of its facility of purchase and its common use has given rise suicidally and accidentally to more deaths than any other poisonous substance."
Appears in Collections:Medi-Scope, Issue 7
Medi-Scope, Issue 7

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