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Title: Some properties of the Hoffman-Singleton graph
Authors: Rowlinson, Peter
Sciriha, Irene
Keywords: Mathematics
Hamiltonian graph theory
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: University of Belgrade. Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Citation: Rowlinson, P., & Sciriha, I. (2007). Some properties of the hoffman-singleton graph. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 1(2), 438-445.
Abstract: The Hoffman-Singleton graph, with spectrum 7(1), 2(28), -3(21), is characterized among regular graphs by a star complement for the eigenvalue 2, that is, by an induced subgraph of order 22 without 2 as an eigenvalue. Properties of other induced subgraphs are noted; in particular, the subgraph induced by vertices at distance 2 from a given vertex is the edge-disjoint union of three Hamiltonian cycles.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacSciMat

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