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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Junior College multi-disciplinary conference : research, practice and collaboration : Breaking Barriers : Conference ProceedingsBorg Farrugia, Christine; University of Malta. Junior College
2018Development of an augmentative and alternative communication app for the Maltese languageAbela, Sylvan; Casha, Owen; Agius, May
2018Breaking the barriers between aesthetics and theory in literatureAttard, Josette
2018Quantitative enhanced raman scattering of dye-labeled phosphorothioate oligonucleotideCassar, Richard; Graham, Duncan; Faulds, Karen
2018Bernini breaking barriers – sensuality sculpted in stoneMifsud Bonnici, Sandra
2018Abortion : breaking the barriers of patriarchyVella, Mary Grace
2018Breaking paradigms: abrams’ paradigm and contemporary art anomalies. proposals for a new approachBertolino, Michele
2018Breaking barriers of post-secondary syllabi: on the democratic benefits of covering gender and cultural diversity issues in the advanced level syllabi of English and HistoryMagro, Miriam
2018Il caso delle “scritture gemelle”: studio grafologico sulle identificazioni funzionali degli adolescenti di oggiEsposito, Simona
2018Multi-disciplinary perspectives in teaching FL reading skillsKusiak-Pisowacka, Monika
2018Breaking human limits: identifying the reasons which compel athletes to run ultra distancesPortelli, Nadia
2018The impact of technology on economic, political and social spheres: the transition from sail to steam in 19th century MaltaGatt, Suzanne
2018Living three worlds: individual experience and social reality in the contemporary eraShaw, Victor N.
2018Perception versus performance: a study on attitudes towards, and performance in Maltese and EnglishFrendo, Romina
2018Violare i limiti imposti dal genere: Ulysses di James JoyceChircop, Karl
2018In-neologizmi fil-Malti: il-lingwa bhala ghodda minghajr fruntieriEllul, Leanne
2018A spiritual journey of discovery: breaking free from man-made autonomy through interior freedomPortelli, Marco
2018Pear pressure – transient text as territorialityBorg, Trevor
2018The struggle of adolescents with physical and sensorial disabilities at further and higher education levelsMaric, Liliana
2018Lejn muzika siekta: tahdita muzikali fi tliet movimentiPirotta, Manoel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47