Biennial Report 2013-2014 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Other activities and conferences organized by the CLS during 2013-2014University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Centre for Labour Studies boardUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Fault lines in bridges to EuropeRizzo, Saviour
2015Health and safety in Malta : a snapshot as informed by the long essays of the diploma in social studies (Occupational health and safety)Fiorini, Luke
2015Activating job-seekers through start-up incentivesDebono, Manwel
2015Centre for Labour Studies staffUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Conferences and other activitiesUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Research work and publicationsUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Monitoring and research about industrial and employment relationsUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Academic programmesUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015Financial statements (2013 & 2014)University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2015IntroductionBaldacchino, Godfrey
2015A national trade union forumBaldacchino, Godfrey
2015ForewordBorg, Anna
2015The gender pay gap and its causesBorg, Anna
2015Centre for Labour Studies : Biennial Report : 2013-2014University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16

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