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Title: Health services for the handicapped
Authors: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Ghaqda ghall-Genituri ta' Tfal Handikappati
Department of Health. Health Education Unit
Authors: Hyzler, George
Keywords: People with disabilities -- Services for -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Medical care -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Care -- Malta
Disability evaluation
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Citation: Hyzler, G. (1989). Health services for the handicapped. Lejn il-futur: prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom - Proceedings of a National Seminar, University of Malta (pp. 29-32). Malta: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati.
Abstract: Whenever we speak of Health services, we normally speak about prevention and cure. This implies that one is distinct from the other, that they are two different branches of work. We also say that prevention is better than cure. This is all quite valid. But we must ensure that where health is concerned the distinction between prevention and cure does not distract us from the continuity of attention that everyone needs where health is involved. My first point, therefore, is that the emphasis in the Health Sector should not be whether to look for this or that specific service, but rather to examine if these services are integrated or not, and if they provide continuous assistance to the individual and his family during one's lifetime.
Appears in Collections:Lejn il-futur : prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom

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