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Title: Education for sustainable development in early childhood education : children’s discourses about water consumption
Authors: Gonzalez, Adriana Burciaga
Pace, Paul J.
Keywords: Environmental education
Sustainable development -- Study and teaching
Environmental ethics -- Study and teaching
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: OMEP Ireland
Citation: González, A. B., & Pace, P. (2017). Education for sustainable development in early childhood education : children’s discourses about water consumption. An Leanbh Óg, 11, 107-118.
Abstract: The paper reports on a qualitative conducted in Malta aimed at exploring young children's discourses of sustainability issues, particularly, water consumption. The study was framed by post-structural ideas. Interviews with a group of children aged four to six were conducted and data was analysed using discursive analysis. The study found that children are capable of making sense of some environmental issues in creative ways. Their interpretations seemed to be influenced by anthropocentric discourses but also showed some ecocentric elements. Their conversations included topics such as water scarcity, life and death, caring for the environment and the monetary value of water.
ISBN: 20095902
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEduMSE

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