Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011-06 | Għerq is-Sinjur | Cremona, John |
1998 | Plant pathogens of the Maltese Islands : indexes of fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and their host plants | Brooks, Fred |
1969 | Il-flora Maltija mediċinali | Penza, Carmelo |
1984 | Atlas of plant parasitic nematodes of the Maltese Islands : distribution of Longidoroidea, Heterodoroidea, Anguinidae, Pratylenchidae, Rotylenchulinae & Tylenchulidae | Lamberi, F.; Capusso, Angela; Dandria, D.; Alphey, T. J. W. |
2004 | Hxejjex medicinali Maltin (Ħal Għaxaq) : wirja folkloristika mill-Bibljoteka ta' l-Università ta' Malta bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Hal Lija u bl-awspici tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti fl-Universita ta' Malta | Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ; Farrugia, Frans |
1969 | A revised check-list of Maltese algae | Lanfranco, Edwin |
2006 | Sabbara - il-pjanta ta’ l-aloe : f’rabta mal-ħwat f’tal-Gruwa u fi Mġarr ix-Xini | Azzopardi, Consiglia |
1995 | L-ixpakkapjetra | Lanfranco, Guido |
2011 | Xi ħxejjex salvaġġ imsemmijin għall-Madonna | Lanfranco, Guido |
2011 | Stefano Zerafa 'botanist' 1791-1871 | Camilleri, Brian |
1985 | Our indigenous tree (6) : il-Ballut : the Holm Oak | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
1985 | Our indigenous tree (5) : l-Gharghar : the Sandarac Gum Tree : a tree on the verge of extinction | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
1985 | Our indigenous tree (4) : the White Willow - "Iz-Zafzara l-Kbira" : next on the list to become extinct? | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
1985 | Our indigenous tree (3) : the White Poplar : Malta’s relic from the distant past | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
1984 | Our indigenous tree (2) : the Carob Tree : a valuable but neglected tree | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
1984 | Our indigenous tree (1) : a tree that can make Malta green - "iz-Znuber" | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
1983 | Wild flowers of the Maltese Islands... "Narcis" and "Halib it-Tajr" | Baldacchino, Alfred E. |
2015 | Maltese mushroom (Cynomorium coccineum L.) as source of oil with potential anticancer activity | Rosa, Antonella; Nieddu, Mariella; Piras, Alessandra; Atzeri, Angela; Putzu, Danilo; Rescigno, Antonio |
2014 | The surrounding habitat of marine algae in Malta | Refalo, Maria (2012) |
1990 | Mard u parassiti tad-dielja | Malta. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries; Vella, Antoine |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 35