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Title: The dignity and rights of migrants in Catholic canon law
Authors: Schembri, Kevin
Keywords: Canon law -- Social aspects
Emigration and immigration
Canon law -- Outlines
Canon law -- Interpretation and construction
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Theology
Citation: Schembri, K. (2020). The dignity and rights of migrants in Catholic canon law. Melita Theologica, 67(1), 113-125.
Abstract: The article investigates the role of canonical norms in the mission of the Catholic Church to promote, protect and ensure respect for the dignity and rights of migrants, in three steps: firstly, it offers a brief introduction to Catholic canon law; secondly, it outlines the canonical norms that deal with the dignity and rights of migrants at large; and thirdly, it highlights the specific rights of Christian migrants within the Church.
ISSN: 10129588
Appears in Collections:MT - Volume 67, Issue 1 - 2017
MT - Volume 67, Issue 1 - 2017
Scholarly Works - FacThePTL

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