Dissertations - FacArtIR - 1995-2010 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 246
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009The Taliban : rise and fall of an insurgencyCutajar, Malcolm (2009)
2002After the collapse of the USSR : the new role of RussiaCristauro, Silvano (2002)
2003The media and international relations : a focus on terrorismCassar, Valentina (2003)
1997Religion : the disturbing factor in a Mediterranean peace processCordina, Elaine (1997)
2007China and its impact on the process of globalisationCiscaldi, Mark (2007)
2010'The personal is international' : the position of Maltese women in national and international public spheresCilia, Karsten (2010)
2008The emergence and impact of Sino-American foreign relations : a Chinese perspectiveChen, Chen (2008)
2010Democracy at European elections campaigning : the case studies of the Socialist manifestos and media in Malta, Spain and Britain for the European Parliament elections 2009Cefai, Antoinette (2010)
2005Ethnic minorities and their effect on foreign policyCauchi, Alba (2005)
2004UNOSOM I & II : a critical analysisCassola, Gabriella (2004)
2008Development and democracy in Myanmar : critique of Western economic sanctionsCaruana Galizia, Andrew (2008)
1997Security council reformCaruana, Therese (1997)
2009The use of propaganda in furthering foreign policy decisions : the USA's practices in Vietnam and IraqCamilleri, John (2009)
2003Notion of a South European stateCassar, David (2003)
2005The role of nongovernmental organisations in international relationsCaramagna, Luca (2005)
2005Political Islam : does it really breed terrorism?Camilleri, Janette (2005)
2005The protection of cultural heritage through international relations : a Maltese perspectiveCaruana, Christianne (2005)
2008Foreign policy of the Vatican city : from Krakow to Berlin 1979-1989Cachia, Jean Claude (2008)
2000Pax Mediterranea : a Maltese and Yugoslav perspectiveCordina, Sharon (2000)
2004Challenges facing European Muslim identity : a case study, FranceCamilleri, Fiorella (2004)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 246

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