Tourism in Gozo : policies, prospects and problems Collection home page Statistics


Tourism related activities generate considerable income and employment in the economy of the Maltese Islands. They are also important sources of foreign exchange earnings. At the same time, such activities create man-induced pressures on the environment, which may gave irreversible repercussions in the long run. They may also have a negative impact on the social relations and the cultures of the host countries. The purpose of this book is to present, in one volume, a number of papers on tourism related policies and on the various impacts of tourism on the island of Gozo. The papers were originally presented during a seminar "Tourism in Gozo", which was held at Hotel Ta' Cenc on January 28,1994.

Proceedings of the seminar "Tourism in Gozo'' held at Hotel Ta' Cenc, Gozo, on 28 January 1994

Edited by Lino Briguglio

Published by Formatek Ltd.

Published in 1994

Copyright © The University of Malta Gozo Centre and the individual authors, 1994

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Tourism in Gozo : policies, prospects and problemsBriguglio, Lino
1994PrefaceBriguglio, Lino
1994IntroductionSerracino Inglott, Peter
1994The Ministry for Gozo and tourism in GozoTabone, Anton
1994NTOM policy on tourism in GozoSoler, Michael
1994A profile of the foreign visitor to GozoVella, Leslie
1994Gozo as an off-season tourist destinationPullicino, Graziella
1994The economic impact of international tourism on the Gozitan economyBriguglio, Lino
1994The environmental impact of tourism in GozoSchembri, Patrick J.
1994The impact of tourism on the Gozitan archaeological heritageBonanno, Anthony
1994Cultural tourism development in Gozo : lessons from MaltaBoissevain, Jeremy
1994The golden hordes on the isle of Calypso : if the myth failsInguanez, Joseph
1994Tourism development in Gozo : a sustainable approachEllul, Anthony
1994Proposals by four Gozitan hoteliersBartolozzi, Paolo
1994EpilogueDebattista, Paul
1994The contributorsBriguglio, Lino
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16