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Title: Storja-Oggett 5 : Programmes 1-13
Other Titles: Prog 1 : Arloġġ tax-xemx li jinsab ix-Xewkija, Għawdex - Charles Dalli
Prog 2 : Rampila li kienet tappartjeni lil John F. Marks - Arnold Cassola
Prog 3 : Il-pjattaforma tal-Alcantara (it-Tribuna) li tinsab fil-Mużew tas-Santwarju ta’ Ħaż Żabbar - Michael Buhagiar
Prog 4 : Arti marbuta mal-baħar permezz ta’ tpinġijiet mill-kollezzjoni tal-MUŻA, l-Mużew Marittimu u l-Mużew tal-Katidral tal-Mdina - Cláudia Garradas
Prog 5 : Biċċa għaġina karbonizzata mit-torri ta’ Ġawhar - David Cardona
Prog 6 : Is-sapun t’Aleppo - Darko Kovacevic
Prog 7 : L-Autentica della Reliquia di San Calcedonio Martire (Casa di Manresa) mogħtija f’Ruma nhar id-9 ta’ Settembru 1752 - Nicholas Doublet
Prog 8 : Ex-voto li juri terremot li seħħ fil-belt ta’ Tolentino, l-Italja, fejn familja titlob għall-intervent ta’ San Nikola ta’ Tolentino – Prof Mary Laven
Prog 9 : Baskett li kienet tuża l-majjistra għax-xogħol tagħha - Janice Caruana
Prog 10 : Inventarju tal-bidu tas-seklu tmintax tal-kċina fil-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur – Dr Noel Buttigieg
Prog 11 : Biċċa fuħħar magħrufa bħala Tarxien phase sherd from Kordin III – Dr Isabelle Vella Gregory
Prog 12 : Munita mill-1741 li d-denominazzjoni tagħha hija ta’ 2 tari - Jackie Mercieca
Prog 13 : Eżempju ta’ arti marittima b’tema storika ta’ Joseph Muscat - Emanuel Buttigieg u Liam Gauci
Authors: Buttigieg, Emanuel
Gauci, Liam
Keywords: History
Issue Date: 2021-04
Publisher: Campus FM
Citation: Buttigieg, E., & Gauci, L. (Producers & Presenters). (2021). Storja-Oggett 5 [Radio series]. Malta: Campus FM
Abstract: The fifth series of programs that takes an artifact to take us on a journey of discovery in past times. This series is produced and presented by Dr Emanuel Buttigieg, lecturer at the Department of History at the University of Malta and Liam Gauci, curator of the Malta Maritime Museum
Appears in Collections:Storja-Oggett (5)

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STORJA_OGGETT_S5_EP01.mp3radio programme39.32 MBUnknownView/Open
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