Biennial Report 2019-2020 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Centre for Labour Studies : Biennial Report : 2019-2020University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
2021Introduction [Centre for Labour Studies : Biennial Report : 2019-2020]Baldacchino, Godfrey
2021Foreword [Centre for Labour Studies : Biennial Report : 2019-2020]Fiorini, Luke
2021Origins and destinations : career paths of male and female academics at the University of MaltaBaldacchino, Godfrey
2021Protecting employment and businesses in Malta during the first twelve months of Covid-19 : a chronology of support measuresFiorini, Luke
2021Challenges in implementing transferable skills in MaltaDebono, Manwel
2021The impact of the Coronavirus on the world of work with a focus on teleworkingBorg, Anna
2021COVID-19 in Malta : a new reality of working lifeRizzo, Saviour
2021Organisation and staffUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
2021Academic programmes offered in 2019-2020University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
2021Dissertation synthesisUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies
2021Eurofound contract 2019-2020University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
2021Research work and publications of CLS staff: 2019-2020University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
2021Other eventsUniversity of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
2021Financial statements (2019-2020)University of Malta. Centre for Labour Studies; Fiorini, Luke
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15

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